This bag is air and water tight to prevent hazardous and carcinogenic substances from further exposure to the firefighter.
The “Delta Bravo” or decon bag was designed after reading and attending lectures on post fire contamination. This bag is air and water tight to prevent hazardous and carcinogenic substances from further exposure to the firefighter. Studies have shown that the removal, cleaning and neutralizing of contaminants that have accumulated on personnel’s protective clothing and equipment is critical to health and safety post fire exposure. The contamination reduction movement has educated many on the preventive measures that can be taken to reduce risk and liability.
The Delta Bravo is an everyday gear bag that can be used to help protect yourself and others. The bag’s most important use is to limit prolonged exposure to contaminates and off gassing by sealing gear until cleaning protocol can be initiated at the station. The side pocket has a removable “go bag” that is large enough to hold a complete fresh set of station clothing to change into.
Another preventative measure that the Delta Bravo can be used for is transportation of gear in personally owned vehicles.
Locker storage in the bay has shown that the exhaust from the trucks contaminates gear. If gear is stored in the Delta Bravo costly station remodeling can be prevented.